Private Higher Educational Institution "International University of Economics and Humanities named after Stepan Demianchuk"

megu logoInternational University of Economics and Humanities named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk is the first private higher educational establishment in Western Ukraine. The first important date of its history is 1993. According to the decision of the International Pedagogical Academy (IPA) Rivne Research and Consulting Center (a branch of the IPA), that was registered by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine as an institution with the right to train specialists. For the last 16 years the University has trained over 13,000 highly skilled professionals who have received state diplomas.

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How to Become a Student

1. Choose the study by programs and courses or by university and region

2. Complete your application

3. Please read the public offer carefully

5. Apply for your student visa

6. Prepare for departure

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